Thursday, July 31, 2014

SOA 12c - Install Managed File Transfer(MFT) and Configure Enterprise Service Scheduler(ESS)

Oracle Managed File Transfer(MFT) is a new product, released in Oracle SOA 12c which enables end-to-end transfer of files between managements internally or with external partners.

Enterprise Service Scheduler(ESS) is a new component in Oracle SOA Suite 12c. ESS is used to schedule the SOA Components or services and manage the jobs defined. 

We need to download and install MFT but no separate installer is required to configure ESS. These components MFT and ESS are incompatible with Java DB. Hence, we will need a supporting Oracle database for configuring compact domain, which is a developer domain and has single administration server and no managed servers.

This post shows the installation steps for MFT and to configure ESS. You can skip the steps related to MFT if you do not wish to install MFT and you only need to configure ESS. You can always add the required components later once the domain is created, if you are not sure if you need MFT now.

Follow the below steps one by one to install MFT and configure ESS, run Repository Creation Utility (rcu.bat) and Configure Compact Domain. 
Continue with this post only once you have Quick start installer SOA 12c installed as mentioned in this post.

1. Close any running instance of Oracle Jdeveloper, server connections and Java DB before proceeding further.

2. Download the necessary installers.

3. Install the necessary components.

  • Install Oracle database - can be any version of oracle database. I used Oracle XE in my installation.
  • Install MFT - follow the below steps.
    • Unzip and copy the location of the  fmw_12.
    • Open command prompt, navigate to java_home\bin and execute the following command %JAVA_HOME%\bin java -jar <location of fmw_12.> as shown 
       This will launch the MFT installer. Follow the steps as shown in the images below
       Click next on the welcome screen
       Provide the directory for your Oracle_Home and click next
       Click Next
       Check for Oracle_Home location and click Install
       Once done, click next
       Click finish.
4. Create Schemas using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU)

  • Set ORACLE_HOME and JAVA_HOME and launch rcu.bat from the command prompt as shown.
     This will launch the RCU installer. click Next
     Select Create Repository, system load and product load option and click next
Provide the Oracle database connection details- Hostname, port, service name and username password and select Role as SYSDBA and click Next.

It will check for prerequisites click ok. You can provide the new prefix if you want or leave the default value "DEV" and select the following components and click Next
Select AS Common Schemes and SOA Suite to select all of their dependencies.
 If you are installing MFT, select Managed File Transfer from the list. You will not see this option listed if you have not run the corresponding installer yet.

 Click Ok once prerequisites are checked
 Select use same password for all schemas and provide the password which you remember.
 Change Value in HealthCare integration to YES. This is required if you want to add HealthCareIntegration installer anytime later.
 Check for the schemas and the tablespaces. click Next
 Click OK
 Click OK
Click Create. Schema creation is now done.

5. Configuring a compact domain.
  • Navigate to ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin set environment variable CONFIG_JVM_ARGS to ,set JAVA_HOME if required and launch config.cmd as shown
    Select Create a new compact domain and provide a different domain name if you have already created a default domain for the IntegratedWeblogicServer in the base_domain 

    Select Create domain using following templates and select the following: Oracle SOA Suite - 12.1.3[soa], Oracle Service Bus - 12.1.3[osb], Oracle Enterprise Service Scheduler Basic - 12.1.3, Oracle Enterprise Manager plugin for ESS - 12.1.3, optionally you can select Oracle Business Activity Monitoring - 12.1.3[soa] and Oracle Managed file Transfer - 12.1.3[mft] if required. and click Next
     Provide the applcation domain name and click next

     Provide password to access the domain
     Select Development as domain mode
     Select RCU Data and provide Oracle database connection details and select Get RCU Configuration and check connection result log if the connection is successful and click next.

     click next

     click next

     click next. no changes required.
     click create
     click next
     click finish. This provide the URL to access the console.

6. You are now done with domain creation. Lets start the admin server.
  • Navigate to the DOMAIN_HOME\bin and run startweblogic.cmd as shown. If you have already launched Jdeveloper's IntegratedWeblogicServer and want to continue with base domain, use the following command to start compact domain server.
    startweblogic.cmd noderby
  •  Server is up and running when you the RUNNING mode in the command as shown.

7. Connecting Jdeveloper to base_domain. Follow the below steps
 Select Standalone server
 provide Connection name

 This will launch the console, which can be also be accessed from url http://<localhost>:<port>/console

We can now see MFT and ESS available in the em of base domain as shown below, which was not seen in the default domain.

Base domain
Default Domain

Monday, July 28, 2014

SOA 12c - Connecting to Java Derby Database

Oracle SOA 12c uses Java Derby Database by default. The derby server will automatically start once we start the Integratedweblogicserver. Hence, in order to create a database connection to Derby server, your Java Derby server must be up and running.

Refer to this post on how to start Integratedweblogicserver. 

Follow the below steps to create Java Derby server connection for the SOAINFRA schema.

Open Jdeveloper and click on Resources tab and navigate to the databases as shown.
Now select the connection Type as Java DB(Derby) and browse for the appropriate JDBC driver as shown
Test the connection with the details as shown below and click ok
Thus the database connection to the Java Derby DB is now created. It will be shown in the Resources tab under IDE Connections.

SOA 12c - Get started with OSB 12c

In Oracle SOA 12c release, the major changes for Oracle Service Bus is that now OSB is integrated within Jdeveloper and the development and testing can be done from within Jdeveloper without the need to use Eclipse IDE.

Message flows which were part of proxy service in 11g are now added as separate resources - pipeline and split-join

Significant changes in the web console as well. All monitoring and run-time configurations can now be done in EM console itself. However the sbconsole can still be used to test the OSB services along with Jdeveloper.

In this post, we will go through the detailed steps in creating a sample Service Bus Application and testing. We will be invoking the HelloWorld BPEL process that we created in the previous post.

Follow these steps to create OSB application.

Create New Application as shown
Select service bus application with project as shown. Name the application and project 
The SBProject is created as shown
Create folder structure as per your requirement by right-clicking on the project folder -> from Gallery -> folder and Name your folder
Now drag and drop the HTTP Technology adapter from the component palette on to the external services tab in the composite.
New Dialog box pops up. Enter the service name and follow the below steps as shown. Select Transport http
Browse for the BPEL Process WSDL from the Application server 
Import the WSDL and XSD to the OSB Application
Select the port type from the WSDL imported and click next and finish
Once the Http adapter is created to invoke BPEL process. Lets add a pipeline and create proxy for invoking the OSB Service as shown
Name the pipeline and browse for the WSDL from the Application resources. 
Once WSDL is selected, Check the checkbox expose as a Proxy Service and finish. 
Now the SB Application will be as shown. Connect the HelloworldPipeline with the HelloWorldBS Http service
 Now Design is complete. We can test the Service from Jdeveloper by executing the proxy service as shown
 This will launch the Console asking for Input. Provide the Input in the request document and click Execute
The Output from the service will be shown in the Response document.
OSB service can also be executed from the OSB Console as shown. To access OSB Console login using your credentials in http://<hostname>:<port>/sbconsole